Kamala Beach, Phuket, Thailand

Christmas Eve 2018 started with an early morning walk on the beach to watch the sunrise.  Nola and Ivy wanted to search for shells on the beach and decided early morning would be the best time to find undisturbed shells.  We were on the wrong side of the island to see the real sunrise, but we still enjoyed a quiet beach before all the swimmers came.  The girls had fun playing in the sand and finding shells, but we needed a nap after the early morning!

Mexican food is a favorite for us, but we haven’t found a good restaurant yet in Beijing. Some locals recommended a Mexican restaurant with a view of the bay, so that is where we spent our Christmas Eve dinner.  It also provided our first tuk tuk ride along the winding coast.  The food and drinks were great and we loved watching the sunset over the bay, even with some clouds.

After we got back to our apartment, we played some card games and everyone enjoyed a pomegranate sparkling drink.  We also got to see some amazing fireworks before Santa left some presents in the girls stockings!