Shunyi District, Beijing, China

After living in the temporary apartment for a month, we were very ready to move into something more permanent with more room.  We looked at many different apartments and decided that this 3-bedroom apartment in Capital Paradise complex was the best fit for us in our price range. This will be our home for at least the next 2 years.  The girls are thrilled to have their own rooms for the first time ever and had a good time decorating.  They also love the playgrounds that we have all around and knowing some of their new friends live close by.  It was exciting and scary all at the same time as we moved all our luggage again and began the process of trying to feel settled once more.

The ‘big’ playground near our apartment building.  Most days when we get home off the bus, the girls and at least 2-3 friends play at this playground.  Even when it’s cold out!
Our dining area and table.
Ivy enjoying her new pink room!!
Ivy often sets her Llama up to look at himself in the mirror.
Nola at her desk in her room.
The view from our deck.  We are hoping to get a small grill in the spring to enjoy this fully!
The typical Capital Paradise street!
This is one of the smaller playgrounds in our compound.
I love that they still enjoy the slides at a playground and take care of the younger kids when they play with them!
We call this one the sand park, for obvious reasons.  Ivy and Nola usually make friends with other kids when we go there, even if they don’t speak the same language!