Kamala Beach, Phuket, Thailand

Staying in one place for a week allows us to explore all of the different market options.  The girls really liked the small fruit markets we would walk by.  We had no idea what this was when we bought it, but wanted to be adventurous.  Nola had some trouble cutting it, but she finally got to the sweet center to discover it was a lychee fruit.  We also tried honey pineapple, sweet oranges, different varieties of bananas and lots of other fresh fruit.

The size of this grocery store was a bit overwhelming after the last 5 months in Beijing.  It took a few times in the store and some careful searching, but we found some items we had not seen for awhile and the girls liked finding products in English.

This 24 hour Super Cheap was a food market very close to our resort.  Its a store more focused for the local Thai people than the one we went to on the tourist street.  It meant there were some interesting/different products and smells!  These are experiences we want to provide for our girls, showing them the local food and products to broaden their understanding and perspectives.  Sometimes the small, every day moments are the most memorable.

This night time market popped up a few evenings during our week-long stay.  During the day this is a large open field, but in the evening different vendors set up their stalls to sell food, clothing, and other products for locals and tourists alike.  We never did buy anything, but we were there more to look around at all the action.