jasperjeepers – wadventures https://wfamilyadventure.com Just a fancy way to share our experiences in China Sat, 18 Feb 2023 01:19:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wfamilyadventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/cropped-wfamilysquare-32x32.jpg jasperjeepers – wadventures https://wfamilyadventure.com 32 32 Track and Field Day https://wfamilyadventure.com/track-and-field-day/ Wed, 27 Mar 2019 05:42:07 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009477

WAB Tiger Field, Beijing, China

Track and field day is an annual event in the elementary.  Each class is part of a greater color team and they work together to earn points.  It was an all day event and the girls loved the time to hang out with their friends and do some fun track and field events.

Being at WAB has provided our family with many new and amazing opportunities.  Many schools have track and field days, that is not unique.  But what we are absolutely loving about this experience is the chance to be more present in the girls’ school lives.  Because we work at their school, we can take 15 min. out of our day to watch them compete, cheer them on, give them a quick high five and go back to work.  It is an amazing opportunity that we do not take for granted!

Trail Race in the Mountains https://wfamilyadventure.com/trail-race-in-the-mountains/ Sun, 24 Mar 2019 08:48:10 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009514

Haidian District, Beijing, China

An important part of our life in the US was running races together.  As we are creating our new life here in China, running is still part of that.  We signed up to run a trail race with our friend Paul and other foreign runners we connected with on a group chat.  It was our first trail race and our first race in China, so we had no idea what to expect.  Turns out the ‘trail’ meant almost 2 miles climbing up a mountain!  It was much more challenging that we thought, even more so for Matt and Paul who did 21K.  But the whole experience was exciting, fun, interesting, and exhausting!

Before the race began, all racers warmed up together.  This is what we love about living here in China!
Snow in Beijing https://wfamilyadventure.com/snow-in-beijing/ Sat, 16 Feb 2019 07:25:09 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009341

Capital Paradise, Shunyi, Beijing, China

Winter in Beijing is cold (not nearly as cold as Minnesota), but it does not usually snow.  Beijing is close to a desert so it is very, very dry.  It was weird for us to experience a cold winter devoid of snow and the girls really missed it.  We were thrilled to wake up one morning to see snow on the ground.  It didn’t last long but we enjoyed it while it was here.

Snow Hills in Chaoyang Park

Chaoyang Park is a huge park in Beijing with trails, an amusement park, a lake and lots more.  For a few weekends in February, the park created a hill for sledding and tubing covered in man made snow.  We spent a great Saturday afternoon enjoying some snow and sun with friends.  *side note, we had NO idea why there was also camel rides among the snow activities!
Hanging Temple of Hengshan https://wfamilyadventure.com/hanging-temple-of-hengshan/ Fri, 08 Feb 2019 12:14:08 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009350

Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province, China

The Hanging Temple, also Hanging Monastery or Xuankong Temple is a temple built into a cliff (75-metre (246 ft) above the ground) near Mount Heng in Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province, China. Built more than 1,500 years ago, this temple is notable not only for its location on a sheer precipice but also because it is the only existing temple with the combination of three Chinese traditional religions: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. It was VERY cold up on this mountain, so the grandparents and grandkids decided to stay in the visitor center.  Matt and I ventured on with our guide to endure the long lines and bracing cold winds.  The temple was absolutely stunning, in spite of the cold.  (Click any photo for a larger view.)

Yungang Grottoes https://wfamilyadventure.com/yungang-grottoes/ Fri, 08 Feb 2019 12:07:01 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009415

Datong, Shanxi Province, China

The Yungang Grottoes, formerly the Wuzhoushan Grottoes, are ancient Chinese Buddhist temple grottoes near the city of Datong in the province of Shanxi. They are excellent examples of rock-cut architecture and one of the three most famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China. They are an outstanding example of the Chinese stone carvings from the 5th and 6th centuries. There are 53 major caves, along with 51,000 niches housing the same number of Buddha statues. Additionally, there are around 1,100 minor caves. A Ming Dynasty-era fort is still located on top of the cliff housing the Yungang Grottoes. In 2001, the Yungang Grottoes were made a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  Words can not capture the stunning experience of standing in these grottoes, some of which were carved in 450 AD.  (Click any photo for a larger view.)

Red-Eye Train to Datong https://wfamilyadventure.com/red-eye-train-to-datong/ Thu, 07 Feb 2019 13:18:45 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009298

Shaanxi and Shanxi Provinces, China

China is roughly the size of continental United States, so it often takes a long time to travel between cities.  Bullet trains and flights have made many cities much more accessible, but there are still some that can only be reached by regular trains.  My parents, Kathy and Tony got to experience the unique adventure of an overnight train from Xian to Datong.  We all settled in for a 16 hour (yes-16 hours!!) train ride.  Luckily we had sleeper cars that allowed for some privacy, a bit of sleeping, and some fun stories.  The girls loved the adventure of the sleeper cars and the ride.

Arrival in Datong

When we arrived in Datong, our driver and guide took us to the city center.  Because it was Chinese New Year, we witnessed a wonderful display of local culture and dance.  The city of Datong is considered small for China at just over 2 million people.  The city center has been rebuilt in the style of ancient architecture so many call it ‘new-old’.  It was cold in the open square so we found a cafe to enjoy some warm drinks before we made our way to our hotel for the night.
Xi’an Wall https://wfamilyadventure.com/xian-wall/ Wed, 06 Feb 2019 11:52:39 +0000 https://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1009333

Xi’an City Wall, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China

Xi’an City Wall, represents one of the oldest, largest and best preserved Chinese city walls. It was built under the rule of the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang as a military defense system. It has been refurbished many times since it was built in the 14th century and as recently as 1983. The wall encloses an area of about 14 square kilometres (5.4 sq mi) and tourists can rent bikes to ride along the wall.  We had fun riding the tandem bike for awhile, but did not make it all the way around as it got too cold.  We drew some attention from locals that wanted to take pictures with the girls and grandma and grandpa!

Phuket Island Tours https://wfamilyadventure.com/phuket-island-tours/ Fri, 11 Jan 2019 01:57:19 +0000 http://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1008814

Island Tours, Phuket, Thailand

In my research for Phuket, I found many options for island day trips.  Some people advised to wait till we got to the island and decide what islands to see.  Others said to book the trips before we left.  I wanted the easiest possible vacation, so I booked three island tours spaced out over our last week in Phuket.  I used a site to book all tours, but each was a different vendor.  The four of us experienced many amazing things for the first time during these trips and we’re thankful for each tour.

Tour of Phi Phi and Khai Islands

This speedboat tour took us to Phi Phi Islands.  We saw Maya Beach, Monkey Beach, Phi Phi Don Island, Khai Island, and we snorkeled in Pileh Lagoon.  It was an amazing day that was only marred by the loss of my glasses when I jumped off the boat too fast and forgot to take them off, oops.  But I had another pair back at the apartment, so it was not a total disaster.

Tour of James Bond Island

This tour took us to the James Bond Island by a large cruise boat.  It was slower than the other tour, but a smoother easier ride that allowed for some fun stops along the way.  We walked through Ice Cream Cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites.  Then we canoed around a lagoon in Hong Island before going to the famous James Bond Island.  After lunch we had time to jump off the boat and swim around a bay near Naka Island.

Tour of Coral Island

On New Years Day, we took an afternoon tour to Coral Island.  We had a few hours to explore the beach, snorkel, and relax in the beauty of Coral Island.  It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon. On the way back to our apartment, our cab driver made a stop at a lookout point to enjoy the sunset.

Changing Seasons https://wfamilyadventure.com/changing-seasons/ https://wfamilyadventure.com/changing-seasons/#respond Sat, 03 Nov 2018 12:34:50 +0000 http://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1008147

Shunyi District, Beijing, China

Coming to Beijing, we did not know what to expect for weather and seasons.  The fall far exceeded our expectations with temperature and beauty.  We were surrounded by beautiful colors of the leaves changing and some unexpectedly large leaves at the WAB campus.

https://wfamilyadventure.com/changing-seasons/feed/ 0
Photos: Golden Week 2018 https://wfamilyadventure.com/photos-golden-week-2018/ https://wfamilyadventure.com/photos-golden-week-2018/#respond Thu, 11 Oct 2018 08:46:20 +0000 http://wfamilyadventure.com/?p=1008357

Various Districts, Beijing, China

The Golden Week vacation was a much needed week off at a perfect time. We are starting to settle into Beijing, and it gave us time to explore a little.  After a very busy summer and then directly going to work after flying into Beijing, it was nice to catch our breath for a bit. It was also refreshing to meet some fellow MN transplants, and I know the girls really had fun playing with their new friends!

Here’s a few photos that summarize the week. Click any photo for a larger view.

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