Hello and Welcome,

We are the Wehner family from Shoreview, Minnesota in the United States. Matt and Gina have been married for almost 15 years and have 2 daughters; Nola age 10 and Ivy age 8. Matt is a Graphic Designer and Gina is a Middle School Counselor.

We were very happy living in Shoreview, MN and we have great extended family (especially Grandma Kathy and Maureen and Grandpa Tony!!). It was hard to leave our amazing house and neighborhood with awesome neighbors and friends. We enjoyed our jobs and our life, but we also wanted to provide opportunities for our girls to experience other ways of living. We realized the truth behind the statement “The days are long, but the years are short.” Our girls are growing very fast and we cannot slow time. We want to show them there are many things to learn from different people and places.

Travel is a way to grow and learn more than you can from a book or a classroom. After extensive research, planning, and a bit of risk, we decided to move our family from Minnesota to Beijing, China for 2 years to live, work, and go to school. These years are a special time in our girls’ life and we want take advantage of every minute. We will experience all we can, learn from each other and others around us, and grow as a family through the ups and downs of a life abroad. Thanks for joining us on our journey!