• Coming Soon: Pandas!

  • Adventures
    in Xi’an

  • Photo Gallery: Phuket

  • Coming Soon: 4 Zoos in 3 Contries within 1.5 Months

  • Weekend Trip to Pingyao

Latest News and Updates

We have been working hard to keep up our blog, but life is busy. We are currently working on updates including spring travels around China, our month at home in Minnesota, and our week in Japan.

Work starts for Matt on July 29, for Gina on August 5, and the girls start school on Wednesday August 14.

During the Golden Week October break, we have a weeklong trip to a small island off Malaysia where we will be volunteering at a Turtle Conservation Project.  We are also currently planning our Winter Break trip to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

Enjoy our archived blogs and come back as we are updating often.

Thanks, W Family
